Look, a few years ago, HRV data and technology didn't even exist!
Now, wearable devices like Whoop, OURA, and Apple Watches are all around! High-performing individuals don't want to guess, they want to know and they use data to make those decisions.
That's why RESOLUTE is so transformative and powerful--
it eliminates the guesswork.
RESOLUTE uses biometric data that was once totally unavailable unless you were in strapped into some harness in a hospital.
You can have real-time data so you can take real-time action.
(Life happens in real-time and RESOLUTE gives you the toolkit to address life on life's terms.) But data isn't enough to drive decisions.
Data can just be noise. RESOLUTE converts your unique biometric data into an action plan as unique as your fingerprint.
Now $47
Look, a few years ago, this type of technology didn't even exist!
Now, wearable devices like Whoop, OURA, and Apple Watches are all around! High-performing individuals don't want to guess, they want to know and they use data to make those decisions.
That's why RESOLUTE is so transformative and powerful--it eliminates the guesswork.
RESOLUTE uses biometric data that was once totally unavailable unless you were in strapped into some harness in a hospital.
You can have real-time data so you can take real-time action. (Life happens in real-time and RESOLUTE gives you the toolkit to address life on life's terms.) But data isn't enough to drive decisions. Data can just be noise. RESOLUTE converts your unique biometric data into an action plan as unique as your fingerprint.
And, I wanted something to offer the men that were coming to me looking for help. I had some tools but I felt like I was missing some vital piece.
RESOLUTE: Rooted in Resilience
Daily Action Items, Tons of Tools, and the Best that NeuroScience and Psychology has to offer! Your Data, Your Change
Daily connection to your resilience journey
Zen Sessions for Resilience
Rest. Recover. Rejuvenate. Become RESOLUTE.
Self-Care Toolkit
Develop your go-to Self-Care Toolkit that's always ready to be deployed!
Kick-Ass Assessments
Keep a close eye on your growth with these scientifically-validated resilience assessments
Daily HRV Recap and Reflection Guide.
Supercharge your growth with this guide to help you apply the wisdom of your body!
Just a few years back, this kind of tech wasn't even on the radar!
RESOLUTE doesn't focus on some gimmick or a guru.
RESOLUTE doesn't focus on diagnoses.
RESOLUTE doesn't on just our thoughts without paying any attention to our bodies.
RESOLUTE doesn’t focus on kumbaya methods or your astrology sign.
RESOLUTE doesn't focus on 95% of the psycho-babble jargon and TikTok therapists.
I stopped disregarding my feelings and how my body was responding to my circumstances.
I stopped jumping from one mental health trend to the next.
I stopped relying on guesswork to dial in my mental health and well-being.
I stopped drowning in my stress, having no idea why I felt the way I did.
I stopped wasting my time on yet another promised fix.
New Seminars and Workshops that promise change but don't deliver!
The new Guru who has all the "answers."
The next book that every podcast is hyping up!
More and more therapy with no real direction or purpose.
(Save $31.40 today)Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Daily Connection to your Resilience Journey.
Kick-Ass Assessments
Keep a close eye on your growth with these scientifically-validated resilience assessments.
Self-Care Toolkit
Develop your go-to Self-Care Toolkit that's always ready to be deployed!
Zen Sessions for Resilience
Rest. Recover. Rejuvenate. All to become more RESOLUTE.
Daily HRV Recap and Reflection Guide.
Supercharge your growth with this guide to help you apply the wisdom of your body!
eBook and Workbook all in one!
Daily Connection to your Resilience Journey.
Zen Sessions for Resilience
Rest. Recover. Rejuvenate. All to become more RESOLUTE.
Self-Care Toolkit
Develop your go-to Self-Care Toolkit that's always ready to be deployed!
Kick-Ass Assessments
Keep a close eye on your growth with these scientifically-validated resilience assessments.
Daily HRV Recap and Reflection Guide.
Supercharge your growth with this guide to help you apply the wisdom of your body!
We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our products. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our products, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your participation here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.